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Meet Board Chairperson

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Professor Charles Mwape

Board Chairperson and Founder

E-mail: cm@hfa.co.zm

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Activities Under Education Education

Education liberates the intellect, unlocks the imagination and is fundamental for self-respect. It is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities, making it possible for each of us to contribute to a progressive, healthy society. Learning benefits every human being and should be available to all. Our organisation owns two community schools in Chingola and Mansa towns. The two picture shows leaners at chinngola community schools


Gender inequate has impacted negatively a vulnerable woman in communities we serve. The project has encorpoarted Gender component. It propells poverty among women and girl children. Women are victims of gender imbalance. Decisions are made on their behalf even without their consent and property onwership and control is a privellege enjoyed by male folk. During gender sensitisation meetings, we also sensitise them on financial literacy and wise inestment.


Under the same project women and men are met and sensitised on child Protection. Emphasis is made to ensure the community becomes safe living enviroment for the children to grow well and develop.



Hope for africa international in partnership with KNH/DAAP Zambia is currently implementing Self-Help Project selected wards of chilanga district. It is women empowerment project founded on three pillars namely, Social, Economic and Political leadership. Seventy women groups have been formed and meet once in a week to make savings, discuss social issues affecting the community, households and individuals.

Self -Help Group concept is type of model project being funded by Kindernorthilfe(KNH). It is a Germany based donor organisation working through DAPP-Zambia as lead Consortium. Its focus is human rights especially children. So vulnerable women are being empowered in Zambia to have capacity to take care of their nuclear family’; socially, economically and advocate for their rights.
